Detailed Breakdown
An explanation of each element of our financial breakdown
Since the percentages provided in the previous section are estimates, below we detail what these funds will be spent on and the potential variation in these percentages:
Launchpad - Whichever launchpad we choose to launch through, that will involve them taking a fee from our mint proceeds. 7.5% appears to be about the average fee that we will incur as the range is between 5% and 10% depending on the launchpad. This will be announced at a later date as we want to tailor the launchpad choice to current market sentiment and pick the one that will give us the most favourable conditions.
Tech Development - This includes building our staking platform, conducting our ICO and ensuring that tokenomics are legally compliant, creating our doxx monitor website, and most importantly building our trading bots. These trading bots will require a significant proportion of these funds as their creation alone will cost between 10% and 15% of mint funds. Furthermore, we are allocating more funds than necessary to build our current round of utilities as we are constantly developing new ideas, which will require the extra funds.
Go Human Ventures - In order to ensure that we have sufficient capital to launch the first iteration of our VC-style investment fund via Go Human Ventures, we will need to devote between 15% and 20% of our mint funds. Such a financial provision will allow us to invest into more than one project to establish appropriate risk distribution.
Young Artist Incubator - Our aim is to give young artists a platform to build their brand and make their work more visible. We will support the artists forming part of our Incubator in their development. In order to do so, a small proportion of the funds, in the range of 5% to 7% will be used to guarantee that we have the financial means to provide that support.
Brand Development - Generally, we find that our utilities will speak for themselves and potential investors will be attracted to our project due to the value we offer and not the glamour and glitz surrounding our brand. Nonetheless, we are aware that brand development is immensely important in the attention-based economy that we live in right now. This is why an estimated 7.5% of our funds will be used to push our brand identity into the mainstream and increase awareness of our project.
Artists - Our collection artist, Hugoshi will receive 1% of mint revenue as a thank you for his great work on top of the fees we have already paid him for the collection. Furthermore, our marketing artist, fomo monstr will receive 3.5% for his fantastic delivery of our marketing vision. Finally, between 2.5% and 3.5% of mint funds will be used to fund the creation of our second collection.
Founders and Core Team - We have an extensive core team standing behind the execution of our vision and we believe that good work should be rewarded well. Furthermore, our founders want to be able to work on this project full-time to ensure the highest level of delivery for holders. Using this money they will be able to do that without having to worry about other matters. A majority of these funds will be paid upfront, while the rest will be paid monthly on a salary basis.
Angel Investor Payout - This forms part of the founders and core team payment in the financial breakdown. Since our project has been funded by two angel investors, they will be receiving a proportion of that pay-out. Nonetheless, they believe in our vision equally as much as we do so they have taken equity stakes. As a result, they aren't obtaining the full equivalent of their percentage immediately after mint, but rather long-term payments from the development of the project.
DAO Treasury - This will be our war chest, available to us to deal with any unforeseen circumstances and to ensure that our project has enough liquid runway to survive situations such as severe market downturn or the recent removal of royalty fees from Solana, which has made the business model of many projects impracticable.
Last updated